A Day for Dreaming

Today marks 50 years since Martin Luther King, Jr. made his “I Have a Dream” speech. While a lot has changed in the past 50 years there is a lot that still remains the same.

My favorite is the human nature to dream. I spend most of my time dreaming. I dream of what I want my senior year of college to be like. I dream of what I want to do once I graduate. I dream of what I want my future to look like and the mark that I want to leave on the world. I dream of ways to make my desires a reality.

Wofford has influenced a lot of my dreams and made me dream for things I didn’t know existed. 3 years ago I was moving into my freshman dorm, in the same way that our Class of 2017 is doing today, with a dream. The important thing is to hold onto that dream, change it as you change, make it grow, and make the effort to make it a reality.

As Kid President said today “We all have a duty to make sure the world keeps dreaming of better things.”

I leave you with two videos that have inspired my day:

Wofford Move-In Day! (A combination of some of the best people and the best commercial on tv)

The speech that inspired it all:

Keep Dancing,


Friday Five: Sneak Peek


This post lines up with part of the reason for my absence as of late. I’ve been on the search for direction (for both myself and this blog) and I came across the ultimate list. It’s the perfect combination of a bucket list and a to-do list.

Design Darling has quickly become one of my favorite blogs (her shop is equally amazing!). She created a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days, about 2.75 years. I decided this was a challenge I could take.

This list has proved more difficult to create than I was expecting, but I have finally finished! There is some tweaking I still need to do (I have a problem with being too vague, even with myself) before I share the entire list. But this week I wanted to give a sneak peek of the five items I’m most excited to accomplish.

  1. Graduate!
  2. Go to New York for at least 3 days
  3. Get my boating license
  4. Make an iTunes playlist of 101 of my favorite songs
  5. Eat from a food truck

I encourage you to start your own list and stay on the lookout for my reveal next week!

Keep Dancing,


Wild Wednesday

Do you ever have those days where nothing goes quite like you could have planned? Well that was my day.

I had a post planned for today, but with today’s events I changed my mind. (I was very excited about the other one so you’ll probably see it soon, though.)

The day started off with waking up and not being able to move. Sometime during this morning I rolled over funny while sleeping and strained a nerve in my neck. My back was so tight I was having to think about breathing because I simply wasn’t to avoid the pain. Luckily, it has relaxed some throughout the day at work, but this morning had me worried.

But today while at work I found out some amazing news! Tri Delta‘s nationally raised $5.6 MILLION for St. Jude this past school year! This was a record year for the fraternity! This also sets us at more than $14.2 million towards our goal of $15 million in 5 years! At the rate we have been fundraising I’m predicting that we reach our goal before Christmas.


[the announcement on the Tri Delta insta]

I’m also extremely proud of my chapter, which raised over $30,000 this past year. Being a smaller chapter this is quite an accomplishment. I’m so proud of my sisters and all the work that they put into helping with fundraising!

Do you have a favorite philanthropy? What’s the most you’ve raised for an organization?

Keep Dancing,
